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發布日期:2024年03月13日 10:28   閱讀:[]




個人簡介:劉培軍,男,19949月生,河北保定人,中共黨員,博士,講師。主要研究領域為:低碳冶金與資源綜合利用。目前在冶金相關領域期刊發表學術論文11篇,其中SCI收錄10篇、核心1篇,申請并授權國家發明專利3項,參與撰寫專著1項。擔任《Journal of Hazardous Materials》、《ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering》、《Environmental Science and Pollution Research》期刊審稿專家。










[1] 2023年 東北大學十佳研究生

[2] 2022年 建龍一等獎學金

[3] 2022年 東北大學卓越博士獎學金

[4] 2022年 沈陽市優秀研究生

[5] 2022年 東北大學勤學勵志先進個人

[6] 2022年 東北大學優秀畢業研究生幹部

[7] 2022年 東北大學優秀研究生幹部

[8] 2021年 東北大學優秀團員

[9] 2020年 東北大學優秀團幹部

[10] 2019年 東北大學冶金學院優秀黨員

[11] 2018 首屆全國大學生冶金科技競賽三等獎

[12] 2018 伟德w88平台三好生

[13] 2018 伟德w88平台優秀研究生

[14] 2017 河北省優秀大學畢業生



[1] Liu Peijun, Liu Zhenggen, Chu Mansheng, et al. Multiobjective collaborative optimization of a novel carbothermal reduction process of stainless steel dust and laterite nickel ore [J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2023, 33(6): 1919-1931.

[2] Liu Peijun, Liu Zhenggen, Chu Mansheng, et al. Carbothermal reduction of stainless steel dust and laterite nickel ore: slag phase behavior regulation and self-pulverization control mechanism [J]. ISIJ International, 2023, 63(3): 586-595.

[3] Liu Peijun, Liu Zhenggen, Chu Mansheng, et al. Silicate slag system in carbothermal reduction of stainless steel dust: strengthening mechanism and stable regulation [J]. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2023, 304: 127850.

[4] Liu Peijun, Liu Zhenggen, Chu Mansheng, et al. Effect of basicity on direct reduction and self-pulverization of stainless steel dust [J]. Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy, 2022, 8(1): 430-442.

[5] Liu Peijun, Liu Zhenggen, Chu Mansheng, et al. A novel process for preparing Fe-Cr-Ni-C alloy: synergetic reduction of stainless steel dust and laterite nickel ore [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, 29(43): 65500-65520.

[6] Liu Peijun, Liu Zhenggen, Chu Mansheng, et al. Detoxification and comprehensive recovery of stainless steel dust and chromium containing slag: synergistic reduction mechanism and process parameter optimization [J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2022, 164: 678-695.

[7] Liu Peijun, Liu Zhenggen, Chu Mansheng, et al. Efficient utilization of stainless steel dust and chromium-containing slag by carbothermal direct reduction: synergistic mechanism and optimization analysis [J]. Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy, 2022, 8: 1877-1891.

[8] Liu Peijun, Liu Zhenggen, Chu Mansheng, et al. Green and efficient utilization of stainless steel dust by direct reduction and self-pulverization [J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 413: 125403.

[9] Liu Peijun, Liu Zhenggen, Chu Mansheng, et al. New understanding on metal recovery of Fe, Ni and Cr during carbon-thermal reduction of stainless steel dust [J]. Advanced Powder Technology, 2021, 32(11): 4273-4285.

[10] Wang Yici, Liu Peijun, Luo Guoping, et al. Optimization of heat treatment of glass-ceramics made from blast furnace slag [J]. High Temperature Materials and Processes, 2020, 39: 539-544.

[11] 劉培軍,儲滿生,柳政根,等. 不鏽鋼粉塵碳熱還原渣高效粉化分離[J]. 鋼鐵,20235812):156-164.

[12] 儲滿生,劉培軍,柳政根,等. 利用不鏽鋼粉塵和紅土鎳礦制備高鎳鉻鐵合金的方法:中國,ZL 202111570268.5 [P]. 2022-11-15.

[13] 儲滿生,劉培軍,柳政根,等. 利用不鏽鋼粉塵和鉻渣制備高鉻鎳鐵合金的方法:中國,ZL 202111571293.5 [P]. 2022-11-15.

[14] 儲滿生,劉培軍,柳政根,等. 一種制備高鎳高鉻鐵合金的方法:中國,ZL 202111571281.2 [P]. 2022-11-15.

》 下一條:劉麗霞

